9 Lessons Youtube Taught Me that TV Would Never Have Been Able To

I began watching what you might call ‘lifestyle’ Youtube videos, about five years ago. Before then I had only known Youtube as a peculiar place that held the key to the world’s funniest cat videos, but little did I know that I would grow to love it and it would become a place to help me grow. I now watch so many different channels, just as I would have tuned into my favourite Friday night TV shows a few years ago.

For me, Youtube is a very ‘real’ platform that is full of amazing creators that really make content that connects with every interest. It has come under a lot of criticism over the years for creating unrealistic expectations and showing lifestyles that are seemingly unachievable – there are a lot of very successful people on the platform. It is important to remember that if you watch vlogs (video blogs), that they are edited chunks of people’s lives and, just as in normal ‘reality television’, the people making them have the power to only show you what they want you to see. Having said this I think, as long as you keep this in mind when watching these videos, I don’t see how they are really any different to normal T.V. If anything are more honest and do show the side of different situations that would normally be edited out in conventional programmes.

I find them uplifting to watch when people are having success in their lives, motivating you or going on a crazy adventure; they are reassuring when someone talks about a struggle they are facing, which might be something you are facing too; and you may be surprised to hear that I also think they are educational in a way that certain T.V. shows definitely are not. From exploring new places and new brands, to dealing with anxiety, dating and even chronic pain – there really is a part of Youtube that can help everyone.

So, now I’ve finished rambling – let’s share a few of the things I feel Youtube helped me along the way to learning…

  • It is ok to be ambitious and strive for what YOU want, rather than just following the crowd. It doesn’t matter if your dream is a million miles away from what everyone around you is doing. Go for it anyway.
  • I’m not the only one who re-watches films five-million times if I love them, *cough* Harry Potter *cough cough*. It’s a comfort thing & that’s ok.
  • It’s ok to struggle, and everyone does from time to time. Talking about it is one of the best things you can do, even if it is hard.
  • It isn’t just me who has skin that seems like it is out to get them, and unfortunately skin problems are not something that end when you escape teenagerdom, but there are lots of things you can do to sort them out & products that will actually help.
  • Social media is only a highlights reel and everyone has their own story. Anything could be going on behind the camera, don’t compare yourself to people you don’t know.

  • There are people out there with the same interests as me, that love vintage shopping, painting, ukulele, and rom-coms. And it’s important that you pursue the interests that make you happy, regardless of what anyone thinks.
  • Just because you are young doesn’t mean you should be overlooked in the world of work. If you believe in what you are doing, fight your corner, back up your work and work hard. Older doesn’t necessarily mean wiser.
  • Working out is a very personal thing. Not everyone loves to go to the gym, but the most important thing is to listen to your body and get moving in the way that feels most comfortable to you. Whether that is doing sit ups in your living room, a spinning class, rock-climbing or walking your pet ferret. You do you!
  • You were right, tidying and having a clear out is fun! And actually there is a whole load of people on Youtube who love doing that too. Where’s my label machine?

Current Favourite Channels | Alfie Deyes Vlogs | Arden Rose | The Anna Edit | Lizzy Hadfield | Zoe Sugg | Lily Pebbles

Do you watch Youtube, and what’s your favourite sort of video to watch?

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